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D&D 5e Homebrew Theory & Content Each Tuesday



D&D technology

Homebrew fictional technology for many settings: Fantasy, Horror, Post-Apocalypse, and Sci-Fi. Some of the zaniest D&D technology you will ever encounter!

land magic

Writings on historical magick, my D&D 5e Magic Lands System, and tropes on magic in fiction. Also, lots of worldbuilding for my Yridia Campaign Setting.

Otherworldly Incantations Dice For the Dice Gods

An ongoing D&D 5e Resource Compendium.

D&D class

D&D 5e homebrew backgrounds, classes, and dungeons.

Fiction Reviews, Fan Theories, Interviews

Homebrew D&D 5e mechanics and house rules, original or referenced.

Otherworldly Incantations Barbarian Meme

Sometimes I make original D&D memes. Here’s the full archive!

fantastical landscapes and fantastical architecture

Fantastical architecture and landscapes. Condensed mental systems for worldbuilding fantasy spaces. Also featuring my terrain craft art for D&D.

D&D 5e homebrew monsters

Writings on monster mindsets and morphology, as well as monster cultures and monster ecology. Also, homebrew D&D 5e monsters.


Miscellaneous reflections and analysis, usually on game design.

mythology and worldbuilding and tropes

Writings on storytelling and worldbuilding. I explore my favorite genres, mythic lore, and theorize about dungeon cosmology. Also features worldbuilding for my Yridia Campaign Setting for D&D 5e.

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Otherworldly Incantations